Be Still in Jade

We were both pedaling down the last of the dirt road. Ray was ahead barely in sight, when I watched him circle back as I zipped past. I pulled over to watch him sort of crab walking on his bike holding a bright green something in his hand. A praying mantis had unknowingly meandered her way out in the middle of the road. Project Rescue Mantis was under way. Ray put her at the top of the fence post out of harms way, and that's when I saw the idea! Inspiration comes in all places!

Be Still is our ever popular large silk twill "twilly style" scarf and available in two color ways. Jade transitions in a 70's-esque pattern from deep bitter browns to vibrant jade green, with the not so little praying mantis perched calmly atop the end. If you're feeling the need for a more monochromatic look, flip it over and wear the green side out. 



dimension: 180 x 10 cm (71' x 4")
materials: 100% silk twill
double sided

dry clean or gentle hand wash


$80.00 $25.00