This little journey Kelley and I are on began last spring. When you make a decision to undertake something as monumental as a new business venture, you can’t possibly imagine what you will come across along the way. You have a general idea, at least of the obvious things, but the people you meet are something I don’t think we ever consider, and I believe it to be one of the most rewarding aspects of the adventure.

Over a month ago I came across a story in the New York Times section, In Her Words written by Corinne Purtill. The article is about a woman living in the UK who, under the tedium of being an elderly woman in lockdown during COVID decided to start a blog. Each post would be dedicated to a scarf from her vast collection, and each story is a memory filled journey from her past. With her new sense of purpose and many supportive emails from all around the world, she has dedicated herself to the task diligently since March. The story goes on to discuss the isolation many older adults have felt under self imposed or otherwise quarantine, and that this blog has become a lifeline for many, a new form of connectedness that is so desperately needed right now.

For me, it brought to mind my childhood days of pen pals and writing to my closest friend when my family moved across the country. We weren’t allowed to make long distance calls frequently, and so writing was the way you did it. Here we are again, and I’m not so sure also isn’t what is at the heart of social media’s success. Another form of connectedness with like minded people. Albeit now a highly lucrative and important form of marketing, but the core value of what it does for us is allow us to talk with people.
So after mulling on her blog for a week and an attempt to reach her, I let it ride. Then, a few Sundays ago, I received a notice that a new blog had been posted. On a whim, I replied to the email address never thinking it would actually find a person- it did! It found Hazell’s granddaughter who manages the blog for her. She passed my letter along to her grandmother, and the next morning I received the first of a handful of letters. We connected over our love of finely made silk scarves and travel. I nervously sent her the scarf of her choosing. She chose my personal favorite and we discussed what it meant for myself and for her. A week later, she blessed me with a post about my scarf!
Kelley texted me early Sunday morning, in all caps- HAVE YOU READ THE HAZELL BLOG YET?- Go get coffee first and take time to enjoy it.
I did.
My heart soared. She loves the scarf. She told a beautiful story of a memory it brought up for her. It simply felt so damn wonderful to have done this and then to have received such words. Words about my scarf!!!!
Ahhhh. The things that keep us moving along.
SO today, I’m here to tell you, friendships come in many forms and from unlikely places, you only have to open yourself up to them. For this, and all of the wonderful people in my life, lifetime people and new people, I am truly grateful.
This is a wonderful story! You are such an inspiration! Keep moving my friend! 😄